Thursday, August 14, 2008

I know these pictures are a little behind but at least they are up now. These are some pictures from when David was in Hong Kong. This was their first port while out to sea. Also, he is up on the flight deck. He looks so cute!!!!

David was recently in Sasebo Japan. Here are a few pictures from while he was there. I don't really know what is going on in them though... Also, the Reagan just crossed the equator. They always have a huge ceremony for all the sailors that have never been across. If you have not been across you are a "Wog" when you are finished with the ceremony you are then a "Shellback" David had to go through a lot to become a Shellback. Everything is going great for him and for myself. I just wish he could come home now, but don't we all. I will try and get more pictures up on here from his cruise...